Dental Extractions in Manchester, NH

Extracted tooth

Manchester Oral Surgery provides multiple teeth extractions in Manchester, NH. Call 603-622-9441 to learn more or to schedule an appointment. Additionally, Manchester Oral Surgery offers urgent dental care for emergency situations, ensuring immediate treatment for tooth-related emergencies.

Indications You Need Teeth Extracted

There are several reasons you might need to have multiple teeth extracted at once. These include:

  • Advanced periodontal disease
  • Teeth have more damage than can be repaired with restorative dentistry
  • Severe decay
  • Fractured teeth
  • Orthodontic treatment
  • Teeth are impacted (fully or partially trapped beneath the gum line)
  • Placement of dental implants
  • Insertion of a new denture
  • Problematic tooth

Why Choose Manchester Oral Surgery?

Dr. Abel specializes in teeth extractions. Here’s why patients choose our practice:

  • Sedation anesthesia ensures that you’ll feel relaxed and comfortable
  • Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) helps minimize the risk of developing dry socket after teeth extractions for an easier recovery
  • Our Piezosurgery unit allows for a more precise, less traumatic approach to the removal of teeth
  • In select cases, your teeth can be extracted and your dental implants placed on the same day
  • Dr. Abel is a Board-Certified Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and a Fellow of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
  • As an emergency dentist, Dr. Abel provides immediate dental care for sudden and severe tooth, jaw, and mouth pain, ensuring rapid response to prevent further complications
  • Manchester Oral Surgery is consistently named in New Hampshire Magazine’s Top Dentists edition for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Our highly-trained, kind and compassionate care team all work together to guide your treatment
  • Individualized, professional, patient-centered care

Piezosurgery Unit

At Manchester Oral Surgery, Dr. Abel has taken advantage of significant advances in technology used for dental extractions. One of these advances, the Piezosurgery unit, is available in our office. When indicated, this surgical instrument allows for a less traumatic approach to removing teeth or root tips. This particular ultrasonic micro-vibration unit allows Dr. Abel to make micrometric cuts in the bone adjacent to a tooth for minimally invasive extractions with maximum surgical precision, especially beneficial when a tooth needs to be extracted with precision and care.

FAQS About Tooth Extraction

Should I stop taking my blood thinning medication before teeth removal?

Never stop taking a prescribed blood thinner unless specifically instructed to do so by your prescriber. Generally, Dr. Abel will instruct patients who take daily over-the-counter aspirin to continue taking it for teeth removal. However, he may request permission from your prescriber for you to hold your stronger blood thinners.

How many teeth can be extracted at the same time?

There is no limit on how many teeth can be extracted at once. Most patients prefer to have all of their needed teeth extractions performed during one appointment. It's crucial to carefully assess the health of the remaining teeth to ensure their well-being is not compromised tooth extractions.

Are tooth extractions painful?

No, we use local anesthesia to numb your mouth and ensure that you feel no pain. It’s common to sense movement and pressure but not discomfort. Sedation anesthesia is often an option as well. If you experience new or severe pain after the tooth extraction procedure, it may indicate a dental emergency, and you should seek immediate treatment to prevent further health issues.

How long does it take to recover from tooth extractions?

It typically takes 7 to 14 days to recover from a multiple teeth extraction procedure with less time needed for single tooth extraction.

What can I expect after having multiple teeth removed?

We’ll provide you with detailed aftercare instructions, but you can expect to experience some discomfort and swelling after your tooth extraction. We recommend taking a few days off of work to relax at home, eat soft foods, avoid strenuous activities, and follow the instructions we give you. It's also crucial to take care of your natural teeth to prevent the need for future extractions, emphasizing the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene.

How long after teeth removal can I get dentures?

In some cases, your general dentist will make immediate dentures ahead of time for Dr. Abel to insert following your tooth extraction. Otherwise, we usually recommend waiting at least 6-8 weeks after extractions before having your dentures made, as this allows your soft tissue and jawbone time to heal. Exploring tooth replacement options, including a dental bridge, is crucial after teeth extractions to prevent future dental issues and restore your smile effectively.

Call 603-622-9441 to schedule an appointment